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Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching is an important part of every leader’s personal development. The coaching provided by Executive Edge is for new or emerging leaders, those leaders recently promoted to a bigger role and for existing leaders who aim to improve their overall effectiveness.


During an Executive Coaching program, leaders receive vital information regarding their strengths and weaknesses through a 360 feedback process. It is important to know how others experience your leadership style, how your intentions are perceived and what behaviours are most effective in your role.

The investment a leader makes in their own leadership development is a significant commitment as the journey of self-awareness to execution of effectiveness can take considerable time.  Often, leaders are promoted for their technical expertise and as such may not have received feedback on their leadership style in previous roles. Receiving 360 feedback will allow leaders to connect and engage with their colleagues with increased insight to what works best (as well as what not to do!) The gift of feedback highlights a range of behaviours which can be more important than technical capability for a leader.


Executive Edge coaches are qualified and accredited in a range of leadership development tools to help leaders become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has both skills and flaws that they may not be aware of.  Peer and others feedback will provide accurate data on both strengths and blind spots, so that leaders can further develop their skills.


An Executive Coaching program is designed to help leaders discover new information about themselves and how they can improve in their leadership role. An example is using the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) where the leader conducts a self-assessment of how they see them self. They also choose a group of trusted colleagues to complete the same assessment. The LSI report is used to start the Executive Coaching program providing the leader with areas for further development and exploration. The feedback is presented in a way so that the leader is able to understand their constructive and defensive leadership styles. Leaders who have a strong constructive profile are seen to be more effective in the workplace.


The Executive Coaching program allows the leader to examine their leadership styles in a safe and non-judgemental environment. The coach from Executive Edge will ask questions to assist the leader to appreciate the feedback and to practice improving and changing defensive behaviours that are not useful in the workplace. By enhancing constructive behaviours that add to a leader’s strengths over a period of time they are highly respected by their colleagues. Most people enjoy working with strong role models who are positive and effective in their individual leadership styles.


The coaching process may include:

  • Confirming natural talents and abilities as constructive styles that are powerful tools for achieving outstanding performance

  • Understanding and acceptance of the characteristics that form weaknesses in leadership styles and devising strategies for improvement

  • Setting achievable short term behavioural and business goals to ensure satisfaction, increased effectiveness and ability to deliver long term goals

  • Managing business and career plans for long term satisfaction and reward

  • Tracking progress with retests and feedback from colleagues  


Managers and leaders who want to perform at their best and are curious to see what they are capable of and are committed to their own personal achievements should consider a Coaching program with Executive Edge.


“I have been working with Maureen for over 6 years now. She has not only assisted with coaching myself but my numerous teams over the years. She is an exceptional coach! I have grown immensely as a leader during the time we have been working together. Maureen uses a nice balance of theory and practical learning to ensure that our development is continual and progressive. I am happy to say that I am not only a better leader but also a better more balanced and happy person after our time working together.” Jason Hair – COO at Virgin Mobile SA

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